Read about presentations by the National WRITE Center at teacher conferences.
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Assessing the Dimensions of Source-Based Analytic Writing
Jacob Steiss, Dr. Jenell Krishnan, and Dr. Young Suk-Kim 2022 American Educational Research Association A better understanding of high-quality source-based writing is of vital national interest given its increased emphasis in current educational standards and assessments. Typically, source-based secondary writing can be seen as a collection of interrelated skills. A multidimensional view of writing as a complex, strategic activity involving a number of cognitive, affective, and linguistic components... |
Writing Opportunities in the History Classroom
Tamara Tate and Penelope Collins 2022 American Educational Research Association In an information society and knowledge economy, writing is a ubiquitous requirement for full civic and workforce participation (Bazerman et al., 2017; Lapp et al., 2014). The form of writing most valued for college and career success, however, is not the narrative writing that dominated English language arts (ELA) classes in years gone by, but rather analytic, source-based writing that utilizes critical thinking skills, synthesizes information... |
Writing Within a Cognitive Strategies Instructional Approach
Carol Booth Olson & Huy Q. Chung 2022 American Educational Research Association From a sociocognitive perspective, we know that different writing genres involve different processes, knowledge, and skills. Students writing arguments of literary interpretation focus on constructing knowledge and meaning-making of the source-text, forwarding a thesis, organizing thinking, composing, revising written prose, and other cognitive processes (Flower & Hayes, 1981; Shanahan, 2016; Tierney & Pearson, 1983). |
Research-based Strategies for Teaching Argument Writing: Cognitive, Sociocognitive-Sociocultural, and Design-Based Lenses
Carol Booth Olson and Huy Q. Chung 2021 Literacy Research Association This symposium focuses on contrapuntal lenses for teaching argument writing: cognitive, sociocognitive/sociocultural, and design-based lenses. The first paper draws on a validated teacher professional development program for writing arguments of literary analysis. The second paper focuses on a sociocognitive approach to empower students to participate in civic engagement. |
Practical Design and Assessment Strategies for Improving Source-Based Argument Writing (Even at a Distance)
Lynn Shaulis, Jenell Krishnan, and Jacob Steiss May 8, 2021 Teaching History Conference hosted by the History Project at UC Davis Argument writing is a skill that students need in history classrooms and beyond. However, supporting students’ reading and writing in history is a complex endeavor and requires an understanding of 1) how to design engaging argument writing tasks, 2) how to assess the effectiveness of students’ argument writing, and 3) what to do with the information that we gather through these assessments. |
Digital Writing Across the Curriculum
Tamara Tate 2020 Writing Analytics In this presentation, Tamara Tate discusses students' digital writing. Writing is critical in today's information economy and much of today's writing is done digitally. The presentation answers (1) how much time students spent on writing digitally, and (2) how the time spent writing digitally related to writing achievement on standardized English Language arts benchmark assessments. |
Research-Based Best Practices in Writing Research
Steve Graham 2019 WRITE Center Launch In this presentation, Steve Graham shares evidence-based practices (EBPs) in writing for secondary students. Graham goes through five key points: write, teach, support, connect, and create. |
Strategies for Teaching Source-Based Argument Writing, Grades 6-12
Jennifer Fletcher 2019 UCI Literacy Conference In this presentation, Jennifer Fletcher encourages educators to listen to the conversation. The presentation aims to give an understanding of what communication skills and dispositions helps students responsibly engage diverse voices and perspectives. Learn more about essential practices for source-based argument writing. |
Shedding Light on Research-Based Approaches to Teaching Argument Writing in Grades 6-12
Carol Booth Olson, George Newell, Huy Chung, Lauren Godfrey, and Tom Fox 2019 Literacy Research Association In this presentation, argument writing and its special place in the standards is highlighted. Specifically, the emphasis on students' ability to write sound argument on substantive topics and issues. Studies find that secondary students have difficulty writing clear and arguable claims, generating and critiquing evidence, and explaining how evidence supports claims. Presenters review these challenges and resources to best support students. |
Introducing the WRITE Center
@WRITE_Center 2019 National Council of Teachers of English In this presentation, the Writing Research to Improve Teaching and Evaluation (WRITE) Center introduces the team, funding source, and research |